Moinee, A. A.; Bachle, P. F.; Newport, K.; Smith, J.; Bayless, D.; Schonberg, W.; Han, D.; Rezaei, F. Electrostatic Sorting of Lunar Regolith Simulants for Sustainable Resource Utilization: Modeling and Characterization of Particle Size Distributions. In Earth and Space: Engineering for Extreme Environments, ASCE Library, 2024, 68–83. https://doi:10.1061/9780784485736.007


In pursuit of sustainable resource utilization on the Moon, this paper delves into modeling and characterization of particle size distribution (PSD) of lunar regolith simulants in an electrostatic system. A prototype electrostatic sieve was built and tested with four sample simulants mirroring properties of lunar mare and highland regolith. An alternating four-phase (90°, 180°, 270°, 360°) traveling square-wave was utilized for particle-directed transport to model the diverse trajectories of the particles. Numerically, we scrutinized how the distribution functions of the particles are manifested as the electrostatic field propagates, with a focus on three distinct particle ranges (<105, 105-250, 250-500 µm) of four simulants. Results indicated considerable influence of sorting mechanism and control parameters on electrostatic sieve's operation. These parameters encompass column inclination angles (10°, 15°, 20°) and port length (from inlet 10-50 cm) at different excitation frequencies (10, 15, 20 Hz) of power source. We optimized parameters in fitting experimental data and successfully identified the movement of particles under electrostatic field at an average feed rate of 0.18 kg/h (0.05 g/s), however, the existing circular system was ineffective and unable to facilitate sorting and separation of the lunar simulant particles. Overall, the results indicate that while our electrostatic sieve instruments is efficient in moving the regolith simulant particles,  its design and operation should be further modified for simultaneous transportation and separation of the particles.

Keywords: Lunar regolith, Size distribution modeling, Electrostatic sieve, Extraterrestrial environments, Sustainable resource utilization

One of the Finalist Papers (7406) of ASCE Earth & Space 2024 Conference


Moinee, A. Al; Bachle, P; Newport, K; Schonberg, W; Bayless, D; Smith, J; Han, D; and Rezaei, F. Electrostatic Sorting of Lunar Regolith Simulants for Sustainable Resource Utilization: Modeling and Characterization of Particle Size Distributions. The 19th ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Aerospace Division (ASD) Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environment, Earth & Space 2024.

ASCE Earth and Space FLUS24