Belief: The Elixir of Life | Abdullah Al Moinee

Belief: The Elixir of Life

Abdullah Al Moinee

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Universe unifies the urges of soul positively to perceive the presence of pivotal pathway leading through the land of life. This journey is fueled by the harmonized exigency and essence of belief. Belief is the elixir of life achieving the invincible philosophy with a view to propelling the radiant ray of eternal entity. The enviable entity sustains the synergic strength to be superposed with nature favorably conceiving the illumined patience and conscientious belief of eternal unity.

Each of the existence in the nature is a universe of atoms and an atom of universe. Belief of mind functions as an enzyme which can design the domain in where the field of atoms can be rectified positively to reach the right shore successfully. The more belief is strong, the more the probability approaches to unity. The singularity of the united approaches of all atoms aids in creating the celestial environment merging the universe and nature. Thus, the positive thoughts of neurons will go forth by the same amplitude of nature at a favourable rhythm and so the output will be magical that creates a radical resonance. The resonance will then merge with the illumination of soul originated by the magic lamp: belief.

Firm faith on any step gives the precise perfection to propagate the neural signal of thoughts as the command of the universe. Every step of life has to have something positive to go on. Even a dead clock shows the right time twice a day. So, one should have the firm faith in the designed nature by which he will reach the best paths of life fervently. The unified universe and numinous nature will manage the rest by means of sparkling blessings.

The sparkling blessings are structured to flow the gravitational wave of will in where nothing negative exists. When the wish and will of soul is positive enough to create a resonance in the premises of paradise, the ardent and altruistic answers to the prayer regarding the wish gets positive responses. When the patience reaches the apex of amplitude by dint of bold belief, the response is reflected as a mirror image of the very devoted desire.

However the pinch of a single negative thought builds an opaque and obscure wall between existence and nature. If anyone trusts any source, it would be easier to extract knowledge from the source with simplicity. Only the positive patience and tenacious trust can make the wall transparent and decrease the distance between goal and soul. The omnipotent will guide the soul only on the altitude of belief. The ascending amplitude of belief and gracious gratitude to life stimulates a secretion of healing hormone. The healing hormone is the vital vibe that renews the vigor of robust reflection of the almighty, universe, and nature.

On the other hand, there is nothing vulnerable that destroys the body like worry and stress do. Stress and worry are derived from the vacillating belief. The moment anyone worries, he is deprived of making the prayer with complete concentration and precise perfection. Negativism is reserved for the distressed and diseased den of mind which tries to hallucinate the map of divinity. The omnipresent spirituality signals to connect our neuron turning our gesture into an action, only if, the gesture is good enough to be perceived, conceived, and believed. The more one believes positively by being strong emotionally, the more immune system works against the stress hormone and negativism efficiently.   

In short, belief, patience, and prayer function together to shape the world and sustain the universe. The values, metaphysics of moral, and the framework of life - all are built on the basis of belief. Belief is the elixir that escalates the earth to an equilibrium that is being balanced by courage, confidence, clarification, dedication, determination, navigation, and gratification. The peace of pacified psychology depends deeply on the positive belief that bestows the blessings for the soul, mind, body, and life.

Moinee, A. Al. “Belief: The Elixir of Life” The Daily Sun. 9(106). 07 Feb. 2019. The Hood. 8(43).