Chemical Engineering Design_V_6_CR

Applied Process Design_V_1_E E Ludwig

Applied Process Design_V_2_E E Ludwig

TEA & LCA Guidelines for CO2 Utilization

Thermodynamics_An Engineering Approach_Y A Cengel_Michael A Boles

Introduction to Software for Chemical Engineers - Martin

Adsorption Technology _ Design.pdf

Pressure Swing Adsorption by Ruthven, Farooq, Knaebel.pdf

Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics_Themis Matsoukas.pdf

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics_Smith_Van Ness_Abbott

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II_TK Nguyen.pdf

Scilab Textbook Companion for Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics_P. Ahuja.pdf

Particle Technology and Separation Process_V_2_CR

Chemical Engineering_An Introduction_Morton M Denn.pdf

Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering_McCabe_Smith_Harriott

Diffusion - Mass Transfer in Fluid System - E.L. Cussler.pdf

Heat Transfer_J P Holman 

Heat Transfer_Yunus A Cengel

Process Heat Transfer_D Q Kern

Comparison of Brayton and Rankine Cycle_NASA.pdf

Combustion_Irvin Glassman, Richard Yetter.pdf

Combustion_ From Basics to Application _ Maximilian Lackner.pdf

Fundamentals of Biochemical Engineering_Rajiv Dutta.pdf

Microbes and Microbial Technology~ Agricultural and Environmental Applications.pdf

Microbial Fuel Cell- A Bioelectrochemical System that Converts Waste to Watts_ed_D Das.pdf

Microbial Factories- Biofuels, Waste treatment -Volume 1-ed. V C K

Biofuels_Technology, Challenges and Prospects_Ed_A K A_R A K_T G_B RG.pdf

Biofuel Technologies- Recent Developments_A_R P_R R B_S B_ed_V K G & M G T.pdf

Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer_V_1_CR

Transport Phenomena_Bird_Stewart_Lightfoot

An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena_G_Hauke.pdf

Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers_James O Wilkes.pdf

Fluid mechanics with engineering applications_E_J_Finnemore_J_B_Franzini

Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications_Y_Cengel_J_M_Cimbala

Fluid Mechanics for Engineers_A Graduate Textbook_M_T_Schobeiri

Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers_P_T_W

Preliminary Chemical Engineering Plant Design_W D Baasel.pdf

Chemical Process Engineering_Design & Economics_Harry Silla

Chemical Process Equipment - Selection and Design_Stanley M Wales


Advances in Kinetics and Mechanism of Chemical Reactions_E_GEZ_AJMV_ALI.pdf

Chemical Process Dynamics and Controls_UM

HYSYS - An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Simulation.pdf

Molecular_Orbitals_and_Organic_Chemical_Reactions_Ian Fleming

Essential of Chemical Reaction Engineering_H Scott Fogler.pdf

Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics_RWM_CAM_BAS

Scilab Code for Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering_H C Fogler_SK.pdf

Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics_S K Upadhayay.pdf

Application of Modeling Toxic Air Pollutants.pdf

Fundamentals of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering_U R C.pdf

Air Pollution Control Engineering_Noel De Nevers

Air Pollutant Concentration Models.pdf

Wastewater Engineering_Treatment and Reuse_Metcalf & Eddy

Wastewater Characteristics, Treatment and Disposal.pdf

MWH_Principles of Water Treatment

Water Treatment Plant Design_AWWA_ASCE_TEd_EEB

Fundamentals of Water Treatment Unit Processes_David Hendricks

Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies_Nicholas P Cheremisinoff_Consulting Engineer

Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers_Richard_G._Rice,_Duong_D._Do.pdf

Optimization of Chemical Processes_Thomas_F._Edgar,_David._M._Himmelblau



P G to Chemical Hazards_Niosh.pdf

US PHS_P G to Chemical Hazards 

Dimensionless Groups in Chemical Engineering.pdf

Best Practices Optimum Simulations HYSYS Property Packages.pdf

Simulation and Process Design of Biodiesel Production.pdf

Rules of Thumbs for Chemical Engineers_Carl Branan

P G to ChE_Carl R Branan.pdf

A Guide to MATLAB.pdf

Higher National Certificate by ChE in F_O_L.pdf

Chemical engineering in an unsustainable world_Obligations & opportunities_IChemE.pdf

Process Intensification Transforming Chemical Engineering.pdf

Chemical Engineering Curriculum and Carrer for Chemical Engineers.pdf

Basic in Mineral Processing_Metso

Perry's Chemical Engineering Handbook

Calculation & Shortcut DESKBOOK_Chemical_Engineering

Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering_David_M._Himmelblau

Handbook of Corrosion Engineering_Pierre R Roberge.pdf

Chemical safety in your business_European Chemicals Agency.pdf

Chemical Process Safety Fundamentals with Applications_Daniel A C_Joseph F L.pdf

Device and Materials Modeling in PEM Fuel Cells_S J P_K S P

Ruthven - Principles of adsorption and adsorption processes

Diffusion in Nanoporous Materials - Ruthven

Pressure Swing Adsorption by Ruthven

Adsorption and Diffusion in Nanoporous Materials - Rolando M.A. Roque-Malherbe



Elementary Principle of Chemical Process_Felder_Rousseau

FR elementary-principles-of-chemical-processes-with-solution-manual

Theories of Adsorption - C.L.Mantell

Separation Process Engineering_P C Wankat

Adsorbents - fundamentals and applications - Yang.pdf

Seader _ Separation_Process_Principles_Chemical
Introduction to Adsorption, Basics, Analysis, and Applications ( PDFDrive )

Adsorption and Diffusion in Nanoporous Materials - Rolando M.A. Roque-Malherbe.pdf