Senseverse: The Verse of Light
Abdullah Al Moinee:
Let there be light beyond the sight,
Let route be right within the dark night.
Let truth be rope in the labyrinth of reason,
Let there be hope on the harmony of horizon.
01.08.20 | Saturday | 7:58 AM
Sudarshan Sarker: Truth is universal and the way of truth is glorious. A dark cloud can hide the sun but for a temporary instance. Similarly, a fabricated lie might outshine truth for a certain period of time, but it will not prevail for ever. Ultimately, the sun will come out in a glorious manner and so does the truth. So, we need to hang on to the way of truth. It will be difficult at times but the reward is guaranteed for sure. We need to understand the cloud like lies come and go but the sun always remain there. Even if it's not visible that does not mean it's not there. Truth is similar. It always remain there and will prevail finally. To shine like the sun you need to bear the heat of it as well. Truth is as powerful as sunlight, as elegant as the sun and as pure as the ray of sunshine. Beauty of truth can be found in nature and will be there till eternity.
03.08.20 | Monday | 9:38 PM
Abdullah Al Moinee: Verses of light illuminate the path of a pilgrim for conceiving the courage in equating the existence to the testimony of a universal truth. The pilgrimage of life reflects the elegance of this existence where the invincible integrity paves the pathway in exploring the dawn of divinity. The inherent indicators of the trails are to be recognized by this route of robust redemption. A new wave in the vast ocean of possibilities reflects the right rhythm to reach at the scripted shore successfully when the vanguard values the valiance of truth, trust, and tenacity. When the wave propagates from dawn to dusk, these elements eventually harmonize the holistic hope on the horizon. Thus the horizon is set to welcome the rise of sun again sustaining the optimum energy to defrost the deadlock, substitute the sheet of clouds, and fuel the flow towards the designed destination. Perceiving the possibilities positively, the sailor not only sails the venture but also nurtures the numen of nature, connecting the soul with the cosmic creature and visualizing the vibe of a living literature. Then the literature enlivens the trails with trust accepting the ephemeral anomalies and extracting the ecstasy out of all adversities. The trust takes care of time as a function of that universal truth that inspires the sojourn to harness and stars to sparkle within the darkness. Eventually, the passage of time lets to learn the art of assimilating the message through the path for anchoring at the island inherently and perceiving the purpose of life precisely. The latent purposes give birth to the journey that leads the streams to the end acquiring the experiences for exploring the verses on a philosopher’s stone. The perpetual perseverance, patience, and prayer plant the seed to grow as a flambeau of freedom for hearing the unheard, knowing the unknown, and seeing the unseen to the extent of eternal essence. This synergic freedom glorifies the soul for inscribing the spiritual verses to know thyself within and beyond the dimensions of mindful existence.
07.08.20 | Friday | 11:11 PM
Sudarshan Sarker: The coherence between the contemplation behind pilgrimage and pursuit of meditation can not be repudiated. A pilgrim on his way is none other than a firm believer. He must perceive that his prayer offering to God is the best of meditation he could actually go through. Meditation brings tranquility towards the disequilibrium state of mind and his prayer does the exact same thing. Pilgrimage is the initial step towards eternal bliss and the fulfillment can be attained afterwards the end process. And meditation works as a fuelling force behind it. Such a journey always set up a tone of positiveness inside every particles of physique and it is due because of positive energy of the invisible mind units. Mind and body is connected via soul and it is out utmost aim to connect our soul to the benison of the Creator. Purify your soul by pilgrimage, mitigate your anxiety by meditation, be blessed to attain peace by the best plausible way.
17.08.20 | Monday | 12:01 PM
Abdullah Al Moinee: Path of peace is mapped by the mindful manuscript that manifests an oasis reckoning the mileage out of mirage. The manifestation insinuates the mysteries within the mind to inculcate searching a sense of divine harmony. The silent surge of sand stream lets us listen to the arcane note when the dunes of desert follow the path of wind coherently. The inscription of the notes is obliged by the oasis inhering the waves of water on the surface of earth. Exigency of an existence to explore the latent knowledge ignites the fire for securing a space by valuing the void. The value gives rise to the deepest contemplation of our origin from nothing beckoning the blessing of an entirely supreme being. Every blessing is a test and every test is a blessing. The sustenance of this sacred blessing depends on the firm faith that brings up the last breath resonating in agreement with the wind, water, earth, fire, and void for encouraging the cochlea receiving the rhythm of oneness. Invocating the rhythm of redemption by dint of mindful meditation, the tranquil test eventually decodes the prescription of patience and perseverance throughout the path of penitence availing the peace out of inherent intricacy. This intricacy enlightens the efficacy encountering the entropy of existence for awakening the auspicious path of eternal essence.
23.08.20 | Sunday | 2:29 AM
Sudarshan Sarker: It is said that when you completely sketch out a plan before engaging in something, your work is already half done and the rest is to implement that plan into reality and you are done with it. But in reality check we miss out the vital segment of the process and that is your utmost dedication to the almighty. God is the one who engineered this universe with supreme delicacy and continuing balancing the concord among the prime elements that constitute the creations. Nothing originates barring his kind consent. Your auspicious journey towards a righteous destination will indisputably be blessed by the magnanimity of the Creator.
25.08.20 | Tuesday | 9:40 PM
Abdullah Al Moinee: In search of an elixir to rectify the life towards an invincible vitality, the journey of soul follows the way of a rolling stone. When the indispensable intelligence guides the ground of essential emotions, the motion gathers no moss through the maze of mind. This emotional intelligence reinforces the realm of reality for solving the psychological perplexity by sketching the philosophy of conscientious congruity. The conscience integrates the spirit, soul, mind, and body for developing the intelligence to implement a constitution coherently. The constitution corroborates the vicissitudes secreting the optimum surge of cerebration that confirms the concord among the segments and stages pragmatically. The cerebration signalizes the neural network that aspires to dedicate and dare for excavating a channel to receive the continuum of cure and care. Propagation of the signals eventually attains the sensible amplitude of singularity by means of inherent integrity. This integrity is capable of translating the mystery of universe into seraphic simplicity and enabling the equation of elixir to result in the roots of reflective reality. The reflection reveals the reasoning to inspire the insight concurrently for understanding the language of this universe consistently. Consistent courage assimilates the answers accordingly by utilizing the language with trusted tenacity for exploring the esoteric questions within and beyond inborn identity.
26.08.20 | Wednesday | 4:00 AM
Sudarshan Sarker: Who would have thought that one day the term 'Emotion' will be rhymed with its contradictory phrase 'Intelligence'? At the outset of the previous century anyone would have disregard the concept with a finger snap. But nowadays the theory has achieved a certain ground and it's because with the introduction of technological stuffs man has now earned an extra margin of leisure hour. That has given him with the opportunity to explore himself more than before. So, industrial revolution which may have influenced todays 'EQ' theory can now be subject to crucial influence by it during it's fourth generation. The WEF also thinks so. With the inauguration of the semi-robotic era, no question 'EI' would be considered as a significant influencer. In order to attain a peaceful state of mind the puzzling routes of the mind maze need to be explored and during this symbiotic process the domain of EI will be expanded and it will also expand the capacity of the neural activity. This will start transmitting positive signals which will lead to the sea shore of serenity.
30.08.20 | Sunday | 9:39 PM
Abdullah Al Moinee: Unchartered territory of mind entails the datum of courage to create a symbiotic signal for connecting the coordinates of conscience. This datum defines a center to follow the radius of revolution fervently for extracting experiences from now to next. The degree of experiences signifies the sense of encouragement that drives the devotion and determination towards the path of gradual development. Any way for gradual growth generates the theory to follow the facts with faith and perceive the pragmatic potential perpetually. The spinal statements saturate the senses with innumerable signals to cerebrate the pulsating curvature of cultivation for harvesting the hopes for hereafter. The harmonic oscillation of the hopes manifests the certitude and gratitude that gyrates the gravitational planes of divinity for initiating the beneficence of exponential infinity from a supreme spirit of endless eternity. Spirit of eternity signifies the center to evolve and encircle beyond the margin maintaining an inestimable radius for reaching at the succeeding orbital. In acquiring the quintessential quantum for tranquility, the orbits enable the journey for exploration by connecting the center congruently and transmitting the cerebration transparently.
10.09.20 | Thursday | 1:11AM
Sudarshan Sarker: We can correlate brain and mind with attempt and experience correspondingly. Mind is an abstract thing whereas brain is considered to be the place where the inception, dwelling and functional activities of mind take place as having a physical existence. Likewise, while attempt is made to establish some acts in eventuality it provides you with experience come as moulded by it.
22.09.20 | Tuesday | 6:39 PM
Abdullah Al Moinee: Birth of a being belongs to a sovereign & to that sovereign everyone shall return. Waving wind of life designs the sand sculpture of soul throughout this journey. Introspection impels the inception to experience an alter ego correlating the waves not only to before and behind the being but also to the blessings bestowed within. Moments to mold the mind at a mindful extent as a Memento Mori invigorates the installation of introspection. When the current, concern, conscience, and chronicles conflate to sense the sentient truth within the spirit, time will appear truly as the celestial circle that always returns to the same spot. Pledge taken on that spot to return reflects the rhythm of sand molecules that flow through the narrow path of an hourglass leaving the soul for hereafter. The dedication, determination, and devotion to the rational deeds to secure the sculpture from the storm let the soul rise with the wings to wheel the wishes from generation to generation. Indeed, with hardship comes ease as the storm signifies the wound into where light enters in the labyrinth of life. The light ignites the candle of conscience to kindle the knowledge for forming the frugality of life out of forging fragility. Knowing nothing creates a space every time to know anything for preserving something with patience that shall define everything which expels the pride & prevarication by receiving the light of prayer & pardon that excels the guide for gratitude & gravitation towards a path of truthful navigation. When the shallow stream designs chaos & discordance, this deep navigation moves with modesty, peace, & silence. Reading from the preserved scripture lets everyone receive & realize the sound of silence to ruminate, repent, & resonate. The realization guides the path of pledge to perceive & reflect the wishful thinking through the ordeal & ordinance spreading the harmony of happiness to heal in conceiving the care & cure of omnipresence.
27.10.20 | Tuesday | 4:46 AM
Sudarshan Sarker: Imagine you have dived deep inside the ocean and having the opportunity to take a close look in. It's momentous what you see but is even more significant what you feel and realize.First of all, when you are at the surface level of water you will feel more turbulence and deeper you go more calmer you will feel, that conforming the level of your cogitation as you master it more more it will be intense. Secondly, going deeper will let you discover unknowns which may seem unreal if not explored. That means it expands or provide enough space to fill with the knowledge of unknown. And finally, deep into the ocean you are already encountering more pressure than the surface level without even realising the fact. So from from a turbulent level to rise up by going down to a deep trance like level which let you to explore,exuberant and expand then you are heading towards the right path.
28.09.20 | Wednesday | 10:35 PM
Abdullah Al Moinee: Hope to harmonize the height of imaginations with the coherence of realizations, in reality, urges the wheels of wills going as the train of time with trustworthy tenacity. Aspiration to inspire before our expiration can be achieved and sustained accordingly when we can believe with affirmation in the unseen & invisible to know the unknown & indomitable. Parallel layers of life with tangential viscosity exert the turbulence through the path towards the center of cognition. Paving the path lets anyone perceive the depth of trance for feeling the meagre entity of own existence. Yield of the entity depends solely on the invocation by being independent of the insignificance but being dependent on the devoted presence. Birth of blessings within the eternal presence begins when all the well wishes are weaved as one for working together as a progress to sustain the sensible salience of success. Inherence to the unison intensifies the affinity from center to circumference controlling the chaos by holding the hands of resolutions in high regards. Reverence to the resolutions aggregates the attitude on a scale of strength for developing the gratitude for the truest rhythm of pulse. Testimony of an enviable existence is enshrined by the pulsating flow of honesty that heals the slightest hints of a havoc from the trench to the top. Honesty & integrity are to be committed to the day of birth for sketching the stepping stone towards the spring of life that provides the healing essence ensuring an ecstatic end of this earth. Designing a divine conversation for today and beyond requires the ecstasy to conquer the eventual establishment of a pivotal position. Altitude of that position is ordained to establish the epitome only when the sense of self-effacement provides the composition. Yearning for the congruence with prideless patience to create the composition propels the life to resuscitate the redemption of a rational revolution.
12.12.20 | Saturday | 12:12 PM
Sudarshan Sarker: Trust is the key. Having faith in almighty is the best one can offer. Abode of the supreme also remain in one's heartfelt belief. Numerous ways are there if you are willing. Kindness towards other souls is one of the many. Years of dedication, kindness and moderation do not go unrewarded. Obedience and patience should go side by side with them. Uniqueness of providing happiness towards life should be marked with due honour.
20.12.20 | Monday | 10:56 AM
Abdullah Al Moinee: Whenever or wherever we are alone we are always blessed to restore ourselves inherently. The inherence explores the experiences to enhance the essence of our emotions ecstatically to an eternal extent. The eternity encapsulates the meager entity of minute moments to live in the present within the existence of the Omnipresent. The entity evolves the uniqueness ubiquitously to live in the present for perceiving the present from the potential one preserves by the blessings of such unique existence unitedly. This unity designs the stepping stones towards the divine door to be enlightened & encouraged to excavate the basin of belief for following the flow for finding the reef of mind. The exploration engenders the eternal eye equalizing the visible manifestation to the invisible ideas of mankind. The path towards any pivotal progress of human being has happened only when the neural unity fuels the ideas flowing coherently into reality. Whenever or wherever we conceive the courage to restore ourselves to represent the oneness for receiving the reflection from reality, we can perceive the protonic propellant from the blessings of birth to the dignity of death pragmatically.
06.02.21 | Saturday | 12:12 AM
Sudarshan Sarker: Let's discuss about spirituality and shadow correlation today. Whenever we are alone we might feel groped in lonliness.But do we question ourselves whether we are actually secluded or not? Pure desolation is impractical like the body and its shadow. We find the shadows of our body in presence of light like our good days. But while in our darker moments we seem to condemn ourselves and our fate like we lose the trace of shadows in the dark.In reality the shadows merge in in the dark.Just like it while our brighter days have the connection to the omnipotent directly,in our not so good days He protects us surely but do we realize it in time.That is the ultimate question.
20.03.21 | Saturday | 2:06 AM
Abdullah Al Moinee: Cube of courage can correlate the concern for existence and signify the importance of identity. When the universe is supposed to be represented as the cube, each of us functions as a single atom to make the cube perfect. The form follows the function to envision the elegance of latent order within the drag of driving disorder. The degree of disorder & deformation in terms of desolation let the cube feel doped & such feeling gives birth to the devoted determination for leading the lane of life towards a pivotal perfection. Sense of seclusion signifies the strength and skill to concentrate on the stream of self-revolution. When the absence of anyone can only be compensated by relative impurity, the presence of a single identity lets the cube of this universe sustain the mysterious meaning of perfection. The unique entity is reliably responsible for the proper balance and that is how each of the creations has been blessed with a solid identity with resonant reasonings. Stages of self-evolution with watchful concentration let the channel grow gradually for achieving the maturity in faith, function, and fruit to go beyond the disorder & receiving the robust radiance from the ordinance of order. The channel connects a soul to communicate with the silent guardian who assigns the mutual guardian angels in terms of the aesthetes of altruism where the shadow senses emergence of life with a soul of reflection. Contemplative communication can increase the attention to complete the life here conceiving the silence of the greatest sense to write the way remembering the universal time constraint. The ultimate utilization of time during this earthly exam is the determinant for extracting grace & grade with boundless blessings for living a life with immunity & integrity. Eventually, the trainer of time lets us start the journey of departure towards an endless edge establishing the legacy of light upright for the inherent lineage with the blessed identity. Whenever we are blessed with the blessings, we should bless us to bless the blessings.
20.06.21 | Sunday | 8:23 PM
Sudarshan Sarker: Time can be regarded as the most significant resource of life but often unrecognised due to lack of insight. It has the potential power to control all other possible resources.Perhaps, we humans are carefully careless regarding its authority but very few who are aware of it are the true lucky ones. That's because it opens up a new dimension towards them and thus blessings of the eternal controller of time to be received by them for sure.
28.07.21 | Wednesday | 8:20 AM
Abdullah Al Moinee: Divine insight designs the route of resources with mindful reflection and watchful protection where experiential essence of essential existence becomes the function of time to make life sensibly significant. A wishful thinking for exploring the 'everything' in any of the resources to anchor the altruism for soul with the invincible arm of belief helps to value vigilance as our blessings from the dimension of the divinity with the truest integrity and endless eternity nurturing the identity of legacy of infinity. The more we sustain the light of legacy, the more we become aware of each of our blink, breath, and beat; the more we receive the authorized intimacy of our silent guardian in terms of time. Whenever we are blessed with a blessing we are designed to pave the pathway to bless the blessing. Journey of the departure across the route aims at the endless edge to become the warrior of light to make everything right as the kindled knight emerging as the dawn of determination within the darkest hour of the night.
07.06.22 | Tuesday | 6:23 AM
Sudarshan Sarker: We the human race, have always been in a dilemma throughout our life long journey.We feel the supremacy of being the greatest life that's been ever created which often initiate the growth of self-conceit and is definitely a wrong judgement.At the same time, we forget our miniature guise compared to the size of the universe.If we could have kept in our mind how insignificant our existence is compared to the universe this problem wouldn't have arrived.That would have overshadowed our germinating and ever growing ego.On the contrary, we should not disregard our existence,it may have been small compared to earlier point of view but still is extremely powerful.The true power lies deep inside,it lies deep inside our heart where belief works as the powerhouse and humble submission to the almighty works as the way out of the dilemmatic situation.
29.06.22 | Wednesday | 1:55 AM
Abdullah Al Moinee: Lines of a lemma across the lane of our thoughts have their own shield of sensible strength to be independent of the factors that leverage the lines to emerge as a dilemma of uncertainty. The nucleus of the thinking process sustains the protons positively to hold the strength only when we conceive the courage to replace the negative factors with precise affirmation sacrificing the queries that dare to question the decision of divinity. The affirmative sacrifice is always graceful enough to present the glory of certainty without a single strain on the nerve propagating constructively with the wave of that decision which is designed for the best of the best to be happened as the ultimate blessings for anyone, for anything, for any incident. The protonic propagation of the incident ray has the potential to be refracted righteously where the sense of truth and trust tells us that sufficient for us is the ONE from where we receive the ray to walk with wisdom even in the darkness with determined affirmation which nominates the source as the best disposer of affairs with our utmost love and respect. The revered nomination makes a reflective selection for our thoughtful existence that transforms the supremacy of our vanities into intimacy with the divine value by listening to learn, speaking to support, reading to resonate, and writing to weave the way as the chosen one by the ultimate ONE towards a destination which is the best of all ways to arrive in terms of lightful lesson and secured stimulation for gradual growth and certain conscience.
26.08.22 | Friday | 9:26 AM
Sudarshan Sarker: What does it take to be a person full of positivity? Is it 'Willpower' or something else? If willpower is the key then what makes 'Will' so powerful? Have we ever thought in that way? Behind all off these questions and phenomenons there lies a simple answer and that is the form of energy that is inside everyone.Which makes your heart pumping the blood and feel you 'alive'.The energy never dies rather it transforms into other forms and it has the core connection with the ultimate source of energy.Does this sound to you like science? For me it is pure form of spirituality. It is so because Religion is the Science, part of which has already been found and rest is yet to be explored. There remains no differences.In a bigger point of view the different forms of knowledge,entity, existence all are connected via threads to a common core.When we get to realize these facts, things become easier to understand,life becomes less complicated,thoughts become clearer and urge to connect with the core energy via knowledge, persistence and spirituality becomes the one and only priority.
03.03.23 | Friday | 7:57 PM
Abdullah Al Moinee: Fortune favors the fire to incubate bringing about a life of meaning while the brave favors the fortune inculcating the power wheel of freewill given to him as blessing without being engulfed by the fire of frictions flowing from the delusional desires that help the brain to steer the mind and body with the unique spirit of soul only which can make us able to connect the ultimate energy to feel righteously alive with a view to receiving the holy grail for the spiritual nourishment sacrificing the last drop of gluttony to grow together towards oneness being healed by the elixir of symbiotic existence transforming the energy simultaneously but uniformly answering the questions during the living phenomena with simplicity for the sake of the singular identity to represent the core. The significance of the simplest and smallest sacrifice is the bigger point of view to wave the threads towards the common core anchoring at the serene shore clearing the thoughts, and training the brain to navigate via neural waves across the origin. The waves can only then bring about life encouraging the soul which is able to let the ashes of mind be trained in becoming a phoenix of promise, perseverance, and patience but the sole goal to entertain the mind left the shore evaporated only with the dry sand before the eyes blurring the vision for excavating the elegance being unable to merge with the soul creating a wall between being and the core depriving the soul to return back without any contemplation to present. Inspiring the robust reflections towards return with meaningful distinction without vanity, the nourished soul synergizes the universe in such an extent that the environment gets fortified by their essential essence of pure positive air & lives become enlightened towards righteous encouragement from any kind of state for the prioritized united existence for a single spirit reflecting the science yet to be explored.
25.02.23 | Tuesday | 11:20 AM (PM)